Well, I promised I'd post a few pics of my loft bed, so here they are:
I finally finished it on Saturday, after a week of putting up with it half-done.
Last week was the county fair, and I volunteered in the spinning and weaving booth on Wednesday and Friday nights. Wednesday night was really slow - Mary (the lady who has been running the booth forever) and I spent most of the night talking - we couldn't see putting on a demonstration for each other. Friday was much better, but I thought it was still slow for a weekend. Anita and I spun while Mary tied on a new warp. Jacob was there with Shenanigans, and he sang a few songs for our friend Richard and his pioneer group that was demonstrating across from the community building where I was working. Brian brought Caasi and the baby, who was a big hit with all the women they came across.
After working in the booth, Jacob took Caasi home while I got a henna tattoo across my lower back. Brian held Joseph while we walked around and shopped - I had to let the tattoo dry for at least half an hour. It still wasn't dry after 45 minutes, but I was tired and wanted to go home, so I drove all the way home (25 miles) without leaning back. My arms were killing me by the time I got home, but my back was dry by then. Unfortunately, most of it came off in the shower Sunday morning - it was supposed to last at least 10 days.
Rachel, Brian and I went out for lunch Saturday at Rachel's favorite Italian restaurant. The food was okay, but the decor was really interesting - it had a firehouse theme, complete with old-time fire engine. Matt came and picked Rachel up after lunch, and Brian and I went to Home Depot to buy some more stuff for the bed so I could finish it. When we got home, Jacob was working on his car, so Brian went out to help him and I finished the bed and moved all my clothes under it. Finally, I have room for everything and I can get to it without climbing over junk.
We celebrated Mother's Day by visiting Brian's mom in the San Fernando Valley. Nearly everyone came over - Kent, Joleen, Amy, Moss, and all the kids. Jacob and Caasi weren't there, however - they had taken Joseph to see Caasi's folks, who babysat while Jacob took Caasi to the Outback Steakhouse to celebrate their anniversary. Rachel and Matt joined us later after visiting Matt's grandma in Fontana. We watched "Gone with the Wind," which Brian had never seen. Justine, Brian's niece, gave a running commentary on how awful Scarlett was, while her mother defended her. We had a lot of fun with the discussion. I was impressed with how good the cinematography was for the time (1939) - it looked like something much more modern.
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