Monday, May 22, 2006

Cute animal quiz

I took this quiz on someone else's blog - don't know how accurate it is, but it's fun:

You Are A: Puppy!

puppy dogBeloved by all, puppies are energetic, playful, and loving. Your outgoing and friendly nature is part of what makes you a puppy. Known for their loyalty, puppies make great pets for young and old alike. And an innocent puppy face can melt anyone's heart!

You were almost a: Monkey or a Pony
You are least like a: Chipmunk or a GroundhogWhat Cute Animal Are You?

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Seems like I never have time ...

... to post during the week! Oh well, here goes another one of my week summaries -

This was another one of my six-day workweeks - I get those every third week, in exchange for a three-day weekend the following week. Unfortunately, this one included a useless meeting 50 miles away in Fontana, and a health and safety fair on Saturday in the same town. I had to have the bookmobile at the fair site by 7:00 a.m., which meant leaving my house before 5:00 a.m. Anyone who knows me can understand what a hardship that was for me! One of the teen volunteers, Reece, and Rachel helped me, which was a good thing, because we had over 750 visitors to the bus. I ran out of books to give away at 1:30, and people were still coming in 20 minutes after the fair officially ended at 2:00. At least they fed us well - they even brought burritos, drinks, and frozen smoothies to us. Several kids came back just to play and hang out, and one little 6-year-old spent most of her time on the bus. Rachel had made coloring pages of the bus to give out, and some of the kids left theirs behind - I'm supposed to save them for the county librarian.

Other than the health and safety fair, my week was pretty much normal. Rachel picked Betsy up at the airport Thursday morning - she really enjoyed herself in Hawaii, but she was glad to back at the library on Friday. Joseph has gotten good at crawling and pulling himself up - he's getting harder to contain. He really likes eating "big people" food - no baby food for him, we just grind up whatever we're eating. He especially likes Italian food. I would post a picture of him, but Jacob's been messing with the computer and I can't find anything right now. I'll get some up here as soon as I can.

Jacob and I are working on a few more songs to sing at the Claremont Folk Music Center's next open mic. He wants to do "Dere's a Man A-goin' Round Takin' Names" and "I Know the Lord" (with me singing backup), both as performed by Paul Robeson. Fortunately, Jacob sounds a lot like him, so it should work well.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Pictures of loft bed, etc.

Well, I promised I'd post a few pics of my loft bed, so here they are:
I finally finished it on Saturday, after a week of putting up with it half-done.

Last week was the county fair, and I volunteered in the spinning and weaving booth on Wednesday and Friday nights. Wednesday night was really slow - Mary (the lady who has been running the booth forever) and I spent most of the night talking - we couldn't see putting on a demonstration for each other. Friday was much better, but I thought it was still slow for a weekend. Anita and I spun while Mary tied on a new warp. Jacob was there with Shenanigans, and he sang a few songs for our friend Richard and his pioneer group that was demonstrating across from the community building where I was working. Brian brought Caasi and the baby, who was a big hit with all the women they came across.

After working in the booth, Jacob took Caasi home while I got a henna tattoo across my lower back. Brian held Joseph while we walked around and shopped - I had to let the tattoo dry for at least half an hour. It still wasn't dry after 45 minutes, but I was tired and wanted to go home, so I drove all the way home (25 miles) without leaning back. My arms were killing me by the time I got home, but my back was dry by then. Unfortunately, most of it came off in the shower Sunday morning - it was supposed to last at least 10 days.

Rachel, Brian and I went out for lunch Saturday at Rachel's favorite Italian restaurant. The food was okay, but the decor was really interesting - it had a firehouse theme, complete with old-time fire engine. Matt came and picked Rachel up after lunch, and Brian and I went to Home Depot to buy some more stuff for the bed so I could finish it. When we got home, Jacob was working on his car, so Brian went out to help him and I finished the bed and moved all my clothes under it. Finally, I have room for everything and I can get to it without climbing over junk.

We celebrated Mother's Day by visiting Brian's mom in the San Fernando Valley. Nearly everyone came over - Kent, Joleen, Amy, Moss, and all the kids. Jacob and Caasi weren't there, however - they had taken Joseph to see Caasi's folks, who babysat while Jacob took Caasi to the Outback Steakhouse to celebrate their anniversary. Rachel and Matt joined us later after visiting Matt's grandma in Fontana. We watched "Gone with the Wind," which Brian had never seen. Justine, Brian's niece, gave a running commentary on how awful Scarlett was, while her mother defended her. We had a lot of fun with the discussion. I was impressed with how good the cinematography was for the time (1939) - it looked like something much more modern.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Another busy week ...

... and more to come! We sent Betsy to Hawaii on Wednesday - she was so excited to visit our dad and stepmom, and to go sightseeing on the big island. She'll be there for two weeks, which should be long enough to see most of the island.

On Friday, which was supposed to be my day off, I had to attend a "focus group" meeting at a nearby library. We brought up a lot of good topics, but I don't know if anything will actually change. It was good to know that the employees of so many other libraries in our county system are experiencing the same problems with admin. I met Brian for lunch after the meeting - he had dropped one of the cats off at the vet to get spayed, and was doing some window shopping. We had lunch, then he took me over to the new Home Depot. I was impressed - at least 5 employees offered to help us. Customer service seems to be a higher priority at this new store. We picked up the cat, then Brian took her home and I went back to Home Depot to buy parts for a loft bed I've been wanting to build.

We spent the whole day Saturday building the loft bed. We actually got it nearly finished, and were able to sleep in it that night. We both decided it needs more bracing and better handholds for the ladder, so we're going to work on that. Also, we didn't feel like rearranging the bedroom right away - that will have to come later.

We took the day off on Sunday - just went to church, grocery shopping, etc. Jacob spent several hours pulling the engine on his 1990 Geo Prism - he's getting tired of paying for fuel for our Suburban.

Yesterday I took 3 hours off to make up for the meeting on Friday, so I spent the morning rearranging the bedroom the way I want it. There's still a little more work to do on the bed, so I haven't moved all my stuff under it yet - it's going to be my walk-in closet when it's done. I'll post pictures of the bed when it's finished. That bed is really heavy! I probably spent an hour moving it across the room, an inch at a time. Who needs to go to the gym?

Monday, May 01, 2006

Wow - busy weekend!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while (if anyone's actually reading this) - I just haven't had time. The last several days have been completely full.

I spent Thursday evening at Anita's, where she fed me dinner and we spent a few hours spinning and yakking. I had gotten her a Navajo spindle at an antique store in Jamestown (while Rachel and I were on vacation), and she spent the evening trying to learn how to use it. She actually had a few yards of decent yarn by the end of the evening. I'm glad I gave it to the right person.

On Friday, after a busy day at the library, the family gathered at the college for the bands concert. Brian is a member of the flute choir and the symphonic band, which were the first and last of four groups to perform that evening. The music was quite enjoyable, but there were some rude people behind us, letting their noisy small children eat chips during the flute choir's set. Rachel and I were rather irritated. Fortunately, the jazz band, the brass ensemble, and the symphonic band drowned them out. We were out quite late - I didn't get to bed until after 11:00.

Saturday, I had to get up at 5:45 in order to get the bookmobile to the High Desert Church for a health and safety fair. Two of our teen volunteers showed up to help out. It was a pretty busy day, after a slow start, and I counted 367 visitors in 4 1/2 hours. The weather has really warmed up, so I had people visiting just to sit under the air conditioner for a few minutes, including Sparky the Firedog, who I felt really sorry for. After the fair, I had a couple of hours to kill before my concert, so I finished the book I was reading and went to the college to take a walk. At the end of my walk, I saw a campus policeman and another guy poking at a snake on the grass. It turned out to be a large, handsome gopher snake, and after determining that it was quite mellow, I offered to take it out into the desert for them. The cop insisted that Animal Control was coming out to pick it up, so I gave up and went back to my car. By the time I drove back to the main parking lot, they were gone.

Our concert Saturday evening was a success. We sang several opera choruses, accompanied by the orchestra, and three of the sopranos sang arias. About half of us were dressed as opera characters - Rachel, Brian, and I wore our Ren Faire garb, and we loaned out outfits to three of the other College Singers girls. I wasn't able to use my music because of the way we were crowded on the risers, so on the few pieces that I needed hints on, I looked over the shoulder of the girl in front of me. I only screwed up once - I hope no one heard it. I didn't hear any serious mistakes anywhere. On Tuesday, we'll probably get to hear the CD of the concert - then we'll find out for sure.

We missed having Jacob there - he's got such a strong, confident bass voice that the other guys tend to lean on him. But he was busy working as the musical director for Shenanigans, a local youth performing arts group, and couldn't get away. We all went to see their final performance of "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying" on Sunday after church. It was surprisingly well done, both the acting and the singing. Jacob provided the voice of the book, as well as acting as sound man and special effects. After the show, we all went to Baskin-Robbins for ice cream, then home.

Today, after basically having no weekend, I was back at work from 11 to 8. Fortunately, it wasn't a bad day - busy, but no problems. Right now, I'm sitting at home typing. Rachel's on the other computer typing up a silly story and reading, Jacob is alternating between playing the guitar and annoying me with the extra wireless keyboard he has set up to communicate with this computer, Caasi is sitting with Rachel, and Joseph is listening to his daddy sing and play. I'm waiting for Brian to come home from rehearsal. Oh, there's Brian now - and he's caught a small glossy snake. Caasi's not happy about it. And Rachel's all excited - the cats caught a male Wilson's warbler, and Rachel thought it was a mouse at first. She made quite a noise when it started flying.

Well, the bird is outside now, and the snake will be there soon. Everything's calming down, and I'm going to have dessert and get ready for bed - unless something else happens.