Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Another busy week ...

... and more to come! We sent Betsy to Hawaii on Wednesday - she was so excited to visit our dad and stepmom, and to go sightseeing on the big island. She'll be there for two weeks, which should be long enough to see most of the island.

On Friday, which was supposed to be my day off, I had to attend a "focus group" meeting at a nearby library. We brought up a lot of good topics, but I don't know if anything will actually change. It was good to know that the employees of so many other libraries in our county system are experiencing the same problems with admin. I met Brian for lunch after the meeting - he had dropped one of the cats off at the vet to get spayed, and was doing some window shopping. We had lunch, then he took me over to the new Home Depot. I was impressed - at least 5 employees offered to help us. Customer service seems to be a higher priority at this new store. We picked up the cat, then Brian took her home and I went back to Home Depot to buy parts for a loft bed I've been wanting to build.

We spent the whole day Saturday building the loft bed. We actually got it nearly finished, and were able to sleep in it that night. We both decided it needs more bracing and better handholds for the ladder, so we're going to work on that. Also, we didn't feel like rearranging the bedroom right away - that will have to come later.

We took the day off on Sunday - just went to church, grocery shopping, etc. Jacob spent several hours pulling the engine on his 1990 Geo Prism - he's getting tired of paying for fuel for our Suburban.

Yesterday I took 3 hours off to make up for the meeting on Friday, so I spent the morning rearranging the bedroom the way I want it. There's still a little more work to do on the bed, so I haven't moved all my stuff under it yet - it's going to be my walk-in closet when it's done. I'll post pictures of the bed when it's finished. That bed is really heavy! I probably spent an hour moving it across the room, an inch at a time. Who needs to go to the gym?

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