Monday, March 27, 2006

Time to catch up

Well, a lot has happened since I last posted. Brian did get his new flute - a beautiful sterling silver Gemeinhardt 50th anniversary flute with open holes and a B-foot. He's still active in the flute choir at the college, and now has joined the symphonic band as well.

Jacob and his girlfriend had a surprise for us - in February last year they got married at the library, in May they had the big church wedding, and at the end of August they presented us with our first grandson. It was a little ahead of schedule, but he's a beautiful baby. As a result of all this, Jacob was thrust into the working world. He spent 3 months as a sign waver, took a few months off, and is now doing QA at a computer recycling facility. That may end soon - he just had an interview for a position as an elementary school music teacher. They're all living with us, in a big fifth wheel trailer in the front yard.

Rachel has been trying to find a career that suits her. After a few years as a music major, she spent a semester taking courses in child development, and is now studying computer graphics and animation. She loves the animation courses (we knew she would) and is seriously considering which way to go in this field. After a two month break from music classes, she's back to singing with College Singers and Master Arts Chorale - she just couldn't stay away.

My sister Betsy joined the family commune in August. She volunteers regularly at the library where I work, and is greatly appreciated there. When Jacob and his family get their own place, she'll get the trailer.

Okay, now I'm all caught up. We'll see if I can remember to post more often. I'll try to write about some of the crazy things that go on at the library.


Norma said...

I couldn't imagine that a blogger had THAT much catching up to do--marriage, grandchild, jobs, etc.--then I noticed the date of the last post. Maybe you don't really want to be a blogger? ;-)

Debbie said...

Well, I have good intentions, anyway.