Saturday, March 10, 2007

Okay, just for Rachel

Here's the latest picture I have of Joseph. We were at Master Arts Chorale rehearsal on Tuesday, which Joseph attends with us. Usually, he behaves pretty well, but does tend to be a distraction, especially in the alto section. He loves all the attention from the ladies. This week, however, he fell asleep on the way to the college, and stayed asleep through the whole rehearsal. He ended up rolling under Doc's computer desk, where I got this cute picture of him in a classic pose, fingers in mouth and blankie wrapped around him.

I'll have to get Jacob to take more pictures of him - there are no really recent ones on the computer as far as I can tell.

Brian and I are getting ready to take a short vacation. We'll be staying at the Mine House Inn in Amador City, in the same area Rachel and I traveled to last spring. Hopefully, we'll be able to see the daffodils this year. I'm thinking of bringing my laptop so I can blog while I'm there - if not, I'll tell you all about it when I get back.

I worked two days at the Fontana library this week, Monday and today. On Monday, I spent some time in planning meetings with my new bosses and Eva, my new co-worker. The rest of the day was spent working at the downstairs reference desk. A lot of things are done differently at this library, some of which I like better and some not. I'll just have to get used to it, I guess.

Today the library held their spring carnival. Eva and I spent the morning turning a book cart into a puppet stage, with help from a volunteer and another staff member. The carnival started at 12 noon, and we wore our voices out trying to do a puppet show over the Fontana High School's jazz band, which had to perform inside because of the wind. Duh! It's always windy in Fontana! At least we had help from a guy from the district supervisor's office. The kids weren't interested in being read to by him, but he did a great job with the puppets. The carnival only lasted two hours, but we were glad when it ended.


Rachel said...

"Hi! I'm the Wide Mouth Frog! I eat flies... What do you eat??"

Pooooor Froggie. I hope the iguana enjoyed taking his place at the puppet showing of the "Wide Mouth Frog/Iguana". Did it work as well? The iguana puppet does have a big mouth...
Too bad you missed the wedding. ;)
Jacob took pictures.

Rachel said...

Hi again. I will be watching for you online around 8-9, so Post! you can talk to me :)

Rachel said...

it's boring if you don't :( wah

Anonymous said...

Shame he doesn't have a Mommy!

Rachel said...

I sure hope you meant that in the nicest of all ways, because otherwise it would be very cowardly of you to post that without a name. Because then I would be forced to hunt you down and force you to meet his mother and prove to you he really does have one. Things are just a little complicated right now. >:|