I'll have to get Jacob to take more pictures of him - there are no really recent ones on the computer as far as I can tell.
Brian and I are getting ready to take a short vacation. We'll be staying at the Mine House Inn in Amador City, in the same area Rachel and I traveled to last spring. Hopefully, we'll be able to see the daffodils this year. I'm thinking of bringing my laptop so I can blog while I'm there - if not, I'll tell you all about it when I get back.
I worked two days at the Fontana library this week, Monday and today. On Monday, I spent some time in planning meetings with my new bosses and Eva, my new co-worker. The rest of the day was spent working at the downstairs reference desk. A lot of things are done differently at this library, some of which I like better and some not. I'll just have to get used to it, I guess.
Today the library held their spring carnival. Eva and I spent the morning turning a book cart into a puppet stage, with help from a volunteer and another staff member. The carnival started at 12 noon, and we wore our voices out trying to do a puppet show over the Fontana High School's jazz band, which had to perform inside because of the wind. Duh! It's always windy in Fontana! At least we had help from a guy from the district supervisor's office. The kids weren't interested in being read to by him, but he did a great job with the puppets. The carnival only lasted two hours, but we were glad when it ended.
"Hi! I'm the Wide Mouth Frog! I eat flies... What do you eat??"
Pooooor Froggie. I hope the iguana enjoyed taking his place at the puppet showing of the "Wide Mouth Frog/Iguana". Did it work as well? The iguana puppet does have a big mouth...
Too bad you missed the wedding. ;)
Jacob took pictures.
Hi again. I will be watching for you online around 8-9, so Post! you can talk to me :)
it's boring if you don't :( wah
Shame he doesn't have a Mommy!
I sure hope you meant that in the nicest of all ways, because otherwise it would be very cowardly of you to post that without a name. Because then I would be forced to hunt you down and force you to meet his mother and prove to you he really does have one. Things are just a little complicated right now. >:|
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